
WÜRSTLINGROUP helps brands communicate in an ever-accelerating culture. Architects design toothbrushes, musicals are based on cartoons which become movies which artists satirize by making plastic puppets for adults which become video heroes on myfacetube. And then there are the t-shirts. Everyone knows how to give an interview. Our firm helps brands flourish because we embrace this erosion of boundaries.

“It’s a rich contamination amongst professions.”
~ Michael Würstlin

The website on the left is the last iteration that I created for the group, with integrated slideshows for photo galleries, and videos for playback on desktop and mobile devices. As the digital lead, I was responsible for getting the site online and on time. Making the decisions for what technology to use, editing and proof reading all the written material, editing and optimizing all imagery and video, Google Analytics, SEO, and QA.

You can view one of the websites here: WG02