
Great design starts with people.

Understanding business begins with stakeholder interviews, the key decision-makers and top influencers in your organization. I help you develop a clearer image of the desires and objectives of the people at the core of your product or service through Research + User Experience Design (UXD).

Interview the Key Decision Makers — The Top Influencers. This may include the marketing manager, technical lead, SME’s, customer service, professional services, and clients. In large organizations you could have close to 20 or more interviews to perform. If this is not possible, you’ll  need prioritize key people and then perform brief group sessions with the rest.

Observing users performing typical activities when interacting with web applications and services is very important when collecting data. This is an activity that you must perform if want to create user experiences that are meaningful and compelling.

4D — Discover Define Design Deliver

I use a 4D process, Discover, Define, Design, and Deliver. The discover phase is where we gather all the data from our research. The objective of the Discover phase is to act as a ‘phase of divergent thought’, this is where the designers and other project team members keep their perspectives wide to allow for a broad range of ideas and influences. During this portion of the design process, the team is identifying any issues or problems by analyzing  market data, analytics, trends and other information sources.

If you would like more information on how I can help you, please contact me using the form below.







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